Friday, July 25, 2008
ingin pasang iklan ........ ????
disini saya akan kasih tau tempatnya diman akita dapat pasang iklan secara gratis dan tanpa daftar.
Coba saja klik disini. di jamin gratis....tis..tis... lah.
Dan nggaperlu repot-repot daftar....... cobasaja....
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Yuwie dan MyvieWin... Frienster yang dibayar....

Kenapa HARUS Pilih YUWIE....????
Kamu pasti pada masih pada maen friendsterkan....??? hari geneee..... masih maen Fs nggk banget deh.....
sekarang dah nggk jamannya lagi buang2 waktu buat internetan tapa hasil.
Mau maen Fs tapi dibayar pake $....? ini pogram mirip Fs....!!! Namanya Yuwie.
Yuwie dan Friendster sama-sama sebuah situs social network, hanya saja ada satu hal yang membedakan Yuwie dari Friendster...
Pendiri Yuwie, Korry Rogers mengatakan ia akan memberikan lebih dari setengah keuntungannya kepada para member - hanya untuk beraktifitas di Yuwie (seperti anda beraktifitas di Friendster) dan mengajak teman-temannya untuk bergabung dengan Yuwie (melalui URL referral-nya masing-masing)
Saya tidak akan membicarakan yang mana lebih bagus, silahkan nilai masing-masing saja.
Namun yang menarik adalah... Ada sebuah kebiasaan rutin di komunitas Yuwie, yang tidak dilakukan di Friendster... Setiap bulan dan setiap awal bulan di Yuwie pasti ada perbincangan mengenai earning (bagi hasil).
Hmm berapa dollar ya saya bakal dapat dari Yuwie bulan ini? Perbincangan yang aneh memang dalam sebuah social network... tapi itulah unik-nya Yuwie...
Perbincangan soal earning ini biasanya berlangsung di tanggal 1 - 15 atau sampai pengumuman earning muncul... biasanya tanggal 10 - 15 adalah saat saat yang menegangkan karena pengumuman earning biasanya muncul pada tanggal-tanggal itu.
Lalu setelah pengumuman... hmmm banyak yang dapat dibawah $5, yahhh... cepe dech!
Yuwie memang bukan tempat mendulang dollar, namun setidaknya Yuwie adalah social network yang membagikan keuntungan kepada para membernya.
Mungkin ketika member Yuwie sudah sebanyak member Friendster... dedengkot-dedengkot Yuwie akan menikmati derasnya aliran dollar...
kalo loe-loe semua mau daftar klik aja disini, semuanya gratis.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
myviewin apa ya?????
Oya ini program baru dan masih sedikit anggotanya. Diseluruh Dunia aja baru 3.257 orang dan dari indonesia baru aja 193 orang saat artikel ini gue tulis(19 juli 2008). jadi masih banyak peluang sebelum booming 1-2 tahun ke depan.
loe2 pada hanya bermain persis kayak Fs. ya kirim comment, kirim pesan, lihat profil sendiri atau profil orang lain,profil loe dilihat orang lain ato apalah pokoknya terserah tapi semua itu dibayar. minimun payout $25 dan akan dikirim lewat paypal atau Check. klo belum punya paypal cari aja di google cara buatnya atau klo nggk bisa ya pake Check aja,tapi ada ongkos kirim $1.
KLo di Yuwie cuma dapet 10% dari aktivitas kita. dan 90% buat upline kita. Level1-10% level 2,3,4,5,6,7-4% , Lv8-10%, Lv9-10% dan level10-30%. Tapi di myviewin 100% poin aktivitas dari member kita akan menjadi milik kita. Asik kan he....
Klo loe pada minat, daftar aja Disini n klo ada pertanyaan ttg sesuatu yang kurang jelas ya tanya aja ke gue. Oke
atau mau daftar lewat sini juga bisa lewat punya teman kita
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
cari duit lewat internet.............. MAU?????
sekarang ada situs nih situs yang bagus bisa dapetin duit sekalian bisa kaya frienster lo enak kan....
caranya gampangkok kamu tinggal daftar aja seperti biasa kamu daftar frienster disini terus kamu dapet duit deh. trus kalo km mau tambah lagi duitnya kamu tinggal edit2 aja profil kamu trus bat aja blog didalamnya and cari temen yang banyak trus kasih aja comment yang bayak nanti kamu dapet tambahan duit lagi loooo......
Kalo masih penasaran coba aja kamu klik disini
atau liat selengkapnya di postingku selanjutnya pasti seru deh.......
atau coba aja klik ini:
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Kamen Rider Punch Hopper part 2
Yaguruma states that he envies Kageyama, because his own tears had dried up long ago. He also envies Kageyama because the hell he saw was different from this. If Kageyama crawls on the ground, he can see the light, but they cannot be together forever. Not understanding this, Kageyama goes on to meet Ucaworm. Adding even more to his humiliation, Ucaworm tricked Kageyama, baiting him into an assault on the Native worm. But he immediately discovered this was a set-up and found himself under assault from Pupaworms and ZECT Troopers alike. Battered and broken in both body and mind, he was saved by Yaguruma, who told him he needed to smile. Yaguruma once again invites Kageyama to hell, this time giving him the other Hopper Zecter as a present which allows him to transform into Kamen Rider Punch Hopper. They walk towards the darkness, and into the darkness with no goal at all. He now bears a scar that runs across his face due to the beating he received from Shadow and the Worms and he refers Yaguruma as "aniki" (older brother). In a twisted partnership, both Kageyama and Yaguruma set out to for revenge against Kabuto.
The unison of their power is shown as they ambush Kabuto and Gatack within an abandoned factory. Kick and Punch Hopper demonstrate their new abilities, easily defeating Kabuto and Gatack in a matter of minutes after the two were weakened by the activation of the 'Red Shoes' system. Unlike Yaguruma, Kageyama is not completely into the darkness yet and Yaguruma often corrects his way of thinking whenever Kageyama shows signs of 'reaching the light'. This is first shown when he tries to grab onto a bit of light after meeting a young girl who he defends from Leptophyesworm. Yaguruma tells him that his way of thinking is wrong and even the slightest bit of light will destroy them. After discovering the girl Kageyama saved early had become a Worm, Punch Hopper along with Kick Hopper annihilate the Worms together, and they manifest in their own power. Kageyama once again questions the value of the light, but Yaguruma tells him that they live in a world of darkness, and that he should not seek the light.
Kageyama works with Yaguruma in an attempt to destroy a confused and weakened Rena Mamiya during episode 40, in hopes of eliminating her early. Their attempt almost works, but Rena is saved by Kamen Rider Drake along with Gon, who distracts them, allowing their party to escape. Their plan did have a side-effect however, resulting in a recovery of Rena's worm memories. Kageyama later asks Yaguruma why he didn't kill her, and an extremely happy Yaguruma answers by saying that he has indeed taken a liking to her. Even more so, Yaguruma protects Rena from Substworm when she is endangered. This led to an infuriated Kageyama, as it went against their beliefs of abandoning the light. Yaguruma is shocked however, when he gets rejected by a temporary Ucaworm, and his bond with Kageyama is restored.
During episode 41, Kageyama and Yaguruma capture Tsurugi, and through a loss of memory, Tsurugi is tricked into thinking that they are his family and he is the little brother. The trio then eventually encounters Reiji Nogi who makes short work of them using "Freeze" to cause all their Rider Finishers to collide. Kageyama and Yaguruma watch as Reiji Nogi advances on Area Z during episode 44, and Kageyama wants to help them fight, but Yaguruma laughs at him for trying to be an ally of justice. Kageyama reverts to his old self briefly and picks up the abandoned TheBee Brace, until threatened by Yaguruma. Ultimately, he returns to his old style and becomes Punch Hopper again. Kageyama also follows Yaguruma's way of regaining the darkness by binding himself with chains. He ignores Tendou's request for help, stating that he will not help humans. Along with Punch Hopper, Kick Hopper defeats Cassisworm Clipeus in episode 46. The two Hoppers utilize the Rider Jump function to send Cassisworm flying into the air, destroying him with a Rider Kick and Punch as he falls down.
Kageyama then becomes one of the many looking for the Worm identification necklaces, believing them to be useful in his mission. Upon seeing Kageyama with a Worm identification necklace, Yaguruma scolds him for using such a device. In episode 48, Kageyama tells Yaguruma that he has become a Worm and can no longer control himself due to fact that having three Native necklaces sped up his transformation. As a show of pity, he uses a Rider Kick to end Kageyama's suffering. As Kageyama dies in Yaguruma's arms, Yaguruma mentions that after all they've gone through, the two will always be partners. They will look to the light for a new future.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Kamen Rider Punch Hopper
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Kamen_Rider_Kick_Hopper part 2
He manages to force two Executive level Worm to retreat during his first appearance. After destroying multiple Pupaworm, Yaguruma quickly stripped Kageyama of the TheBee Zecter with a Rider Kick after telling him that he had "been to Hell" and that he was now inviting Kageyama to go with him. He also states that he envies Kageyama, because his own tears had dried up long ago. If Kageyama crawls on the ground, he can see the light, but they cannot be together forever. After being attacked by a group of Worms, Kageyama was brought nearly to death before Yaguruma came in and saved him. He gave Kageyama a separate Hopper Zecter and invited him to hell once more. They walk towards the darkness, and into the darkness with no goal at all. The two sought revenge against who they think brought upon their downfall, Kabuto.
Kageyama refers Yaguruma as 'Aniki' or big brother and Yaguruma refers him as 'Aibo' or partner, meaning he's the one who is more 'in-charge' of the two. This can be seen as Yaguruma always corrects Kageyama's way of thinking whenever he tries to reach the 'light'. The unison of their power is shown as the ambush Kabuto and Gatack within an abandoned factory. Kick and Punch Hopper demonstrate their new abilities, easily defeating Kabuto and Gatack in a matter of minutes after the two were weakened by the activation of the 'Red Shoes' system. Kageyama once again questions the value of the light, but Yaguruma tells him that they live in a world of darkness, and that he should not seek the light.
He and Kageyama attempt to destroy a confused and weakened Rena Mamiya during episode 40, in hopes of eliminating her early. However, he hesitates at the last moment, as if showing affection for Rena. Drake and Rena are then saved by Gon who used a fire extinguisher to distract the Hoppers. Their attempt almost works, but Rena is saved by Kamen Rider Drake. Their plan did have a side-effect, resulting in a recovery of Rena's Worm memories. When asked by Kageyama later, he says that he has indeed taken a liking to Rena, and therefore did not kill her. Even more so, Yaguruma protects Rena from Substworm when she is endangered. This led to an infuriated Kageyama, as it went against their beliefs of abandoning the light. Yaguruma is shocked however, when he gets rejected by Rena who temporarily reverted to Ucaworm, and his bond with Kageyama is restored.
During episode 41, Kageyama and Yaguruma fight with a depressed Tsurugi. After defeating Tsurugi, Yaguruma offers him a place as his little brother, which Tsurugi happily accepts. Yaguruma meets Tendou once more, and challenges him to a tofu cook-off, but since the seller is sold out, they would have to reschedule. The trio then encounters Reiji Nogi who makes short work of them using "Freeze" to cause all their Rider Finishers to collide. Continuing from the comical arc of the tofu cook-off, near the end of the episode, Tendou has stood them up, and Yaguruma and Kageyama are left in the street wondering where Tendou is and when the challenge will commence. During episode 43, the TheBee Zecter is once again offered to him by Tadokoro, but he declares that he is enjoying his stay in the pitch black hell.
Kageyama and Yaguruma watch as Reiji Nogi advances into Area Z during episode 44, and Kageyama wants to help them fight. Yaguruma laughs at him for trying to be an ally of justice. After meeting with Tendou and Gatack as they prepare to face Cassisworm, he decides to help them as Cassisworm Gradius has laughed at Kageyama, telling Cassisworm to laugh at him, as well. They perform a Triple Rider Kick and effectively neutralize his "Absorb" ability. Yaguruma later laughs at Kageyama for straying from the path of darkness and becoming TheBee, and so Kageyama returns to him, Punch Hopper once again. Yaguruma displays his desire for the darkness during episode 45, he and Kageyama binding themselves with chains and weights so that they would not be able to fight for justice. Ignoring Tendou's request for assistance, he along with Kageyama sit and meditate, attempting to regain their darkness.
Along with Punch Hopper, Kick Hopper defeats one of the two Cassisworm Clipeus in episode 46. The two Hoppers utilize the Rider Jump function to send Cassisworm flying into the air, destroying him with a Rider Kick and Punch as he falls to the earth. After seeing a picture of a star, Yaguruma begins to ponder returning to the light again. Upon seeing Kageyama with a Worm identification necklace, Yaguruma scolds him for using such a device. In episode 48, Yaguruma realizes that Kageyama has become a Worm and can no longer control his form. As a show of pity, he uses a Rider Kick to end Kageyama's suffering. Holding his fallen partner, Yaguruma looks up to the stars in the night sky and says that he and Kageyama will always be partners and that they have to regain the light once again. His ultimate fate was left up to the viewer as he was given an ambiguous resolution.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Sou Yaguruma was the original TheBee. He lost his power due to his mental state, was kicked off Shadow and was absent for the series until episode 33. After a series of unknown events, Yaguruma returned as a very different person with a wild leather jacket outfit. No longer was he the kind and caring man from before, he was now in a state of mental uneasiness. Literally having lost his mind, he first attacks the worms as Kick Hopper because, according to him, they were laughing at him. After losing his rank and dignity at the hands of Kabuto and Kageyama respectively, he sees himself as a "loser" and feels that he is no longer worthy of what he believed to be "Kanzen Chōwa", or "Perfect Harmony". Kick Hopper, like his name, uses only kicking attacks.