


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Selamat natal 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Mulai bulan depan sampai januari saya mau vakum dulu karena mau ujian jadi harus belajar.
saya akan mulai posting lag bulan febuari sehabis libur semester.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Heroes 3 episode 7-8

Pada episode ini ceritanya pun makin seru ibu piter yang ternyata ibu sylar juga. Ia menyadarkan sylar yang dalam keadaan di bius untuk menyelamatkan piter yang sedang ditawan oleh ayahnya. Kemudian sylay pun datang menolong piter di sini lah ceritanya pun semakin rumt saja jika tidak menonton filmnya secara langsung. jadi untuk sarial ini saya cerita sekian dulu karena episode ini lebih enak ditonton langsung dari pada di ceritakan secara lisan. Tapi yang seru pada akhir episode ini hiro diambil kekuatannya oleh ayah piter apa yang akan terjadi apa hiro mati seperti adam atau tidak kita tunggu saja episode 9-10.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Heroes 3 episode 5-6

Ternyata orang yang memiliki kekuatan itu adalah ayah piter. Dia tadinya sudah sekarat tetapi karena menyerap kekuatan adam hingga menjadi debu maka ia dapat hidup normal lagi. Disisi lain piter yang mengetahui ada kekuatan jahat yang membuat ibunya tidak sadarkan diri dia langsung menuju tempat musuh baru itu berada, akhirnya ia pun bertemu dengan ayahnya. Tanpa disangka ayahnya yang licik menipu piter supaya berpelukan kepadanya tanpa disangka kekuatan piter pun diambil oleh ayahnya. Kemudian apa yang akan terjadi berikutnya siapakah yang berhasil mengalahkan ayah piter??? Apakah sylar yang dibuat tidak sadarkan diri oleh piter ataukah hero nakamura dan ando...
kita tunggu lanjutannya di posting berikutnya.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Heroes 3 episode 3-4

Kini heroes 3 makin seru saja pada episode 3 dan 4. muncul orang orang baru yang memiliki kekuatan yang luar biasa. tetapi di sisi lain ada msuh besar baru yang luar biasa dia bisa menyerap kekuatan dengan menyentuh orang yang memiliki kekuatan. Siapakaah musuh baru itu apa dia lebih hebat dari peter kita tunggu di episode 5-6.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Heroes 3

wah kini sudah dimulai lagi serial heroes yang season 3. ceritanya lebih seru lo dibandingkan dengan yang ke season yang ke 2. kini peter sudah bisa menguasai kekuatan saylar tapi apa dia bisa mengendalikan kekuatan sylar kita tunggu di episode 5 yaaaa....

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

liburan hampir tiba

wah liburan kali ini kurang begitu menyenangkan karena tugas juga menumpuk di mejaku. Apasih yangkamu lakukan jika liburan???
kalo aku sih paling mengisi waktu luang dengan bermain bersama adik ku atau kalau sempat juga mengerjakan tugas2 yang telah menanti ku. seHabis liburan kali ini juga suasananya nggak enak karena langsung ujian tengah semester huh sebel rasanaya harus belajar seabrek bahan kuliah. tapi mau gimana lagi namanya juga mahasiswa jadi harus mau atau tidak mau tetep harus belajar buat menghadapi ujian supaya mendapat hasil yang memuaskan.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

wah pusing nih??!!!???

semenjak masuk semester ini aku jadi suka stres sendiri udah uang ludes buat ngeprint doang. laporan banyak tugas pun juga banyak huh sebel rasanaya...................

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

bingung nih?????

Sekarang aku lagi bingung nih mau nulis apa lagi ngga ada inspirasi soalnya
yah bagi teman teman yang mau membantu saya mengisi blogger saya silahkan saja kirim ke email saya di atau
jika udah mengirim ceritanya kamu tulis di chatting ya biar bisa saya tampilkan di blog saya.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

botol aqua beracun??

Menurut berita terkini botol aqua mengandung zat berbahaya. sehingga dianjurkan untuk penggunaan botol hanya sekali pakai. Pasti orang2 belum banyak yang tahu bahwa kita harus memperhatikan pada bagian bawah botol terdapat segitiga degan angka 1-7. untuk botol seperti aqua biasanya no 1 hanya boleh digunakan untuk 1x pakai.sedangkan 2 dan 3 biasanya untuk pembungkus plastik makanan atau kue apa tanda yang aman untuk kita pakai yaitu segitiga berangka 4 dan 5 atau untuk lebih aman nya biasanya ada gambar sendok dan garpu berarti layak pakai. jadi berhati hati aja ya...
tapi bagi orang yang masih ngeyel coba botol dicuci setiap kali pakai dan apabila botol sudah bau tidak sedap / ngga enak lebih baik di buang saja.
itu saj tip dari saya.

Friday, July 25, 2008

ingin pasang iklan ........ ????

Ingin pasang iklan tapi bingung caranya atau sudah tau caranya tapi ngga mau repot2 untuk daftar dulu(ya maunya seba cepet gitulah) atau sebel karena harus bayar mahal2 untuk iklan kita.

disini saya akan kasih tau tempatnya diman akita dapat pasang iklan secara gratis dan tanpa daftar.

Coba saja klik disini. di jamin gratis....tis..tis... lah.

Dan nggaperlu repot-repot daftar....... cobasaja....

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Yuwie dan MyvieWin... Frienster yang dibayar....

Kenapa HARUS Pilih YUWIE....????

Kamu pasti pada masih pada maen friendsterkan....??? hari geneee..... masih maen Fs nggk banget deh.....
sekarang dah nggk jamannya lagi buang2 waktu buat internetan tapa hasil.
Mau maen Fs tapi dibayar pake $....? ini pogram mirip Fs....!!! Namanya Yuwie.

Yuwie dan Friendster sama-sama sebuah situs social network, hanya saja ada satu hal yang membedakan Yuwie dari Friendster...

Pendiri Yuwie, Korry Rogers mengatakan ia akan memberikan lebih dari setengah keuntungannya kepada para member - hanya untuk beraktifitas di Yuwie (seperti anda beraktifitas di Friendster) dan mengajak teman-temannya untuk bergabung dengan Yuwie (melalui URL referral-nya masing-masing)

Saya tidak akan membicarakan yang mana lebih bagus, silahkan nilai masing-masing saja.

Namun yang menarik adalah... Ada sebuah kebiasaan rutin di komunitas Yuwie, yang tidak dilakukan di Friendster... Setiap bulan dan setiap awal bulan di Yuwie pasti ada perbincangan mengenai earning (bagi hasil).

Hmm berapa dollar ya saya bakal dapat dari Yuwie bulan ini? Perbincangan yang aneh memang dalam sebuah social network... tapi itulah unik-nya Yuwie...

Perbincangan soal earning ini biasanya berlangsung di tanggal 1 - 15 atau sampai pengumuman earning muncul... biasanya tanggal 10 - 15 adalah saat saat yang menegangkan karena pengumuman earning biasanya muncul pada tanggal-tanggal itu.

Lalu setelah pengumuman... hmmm banyak yang dapat dibawah $5, yahhh... cepe dech!

Yuwie memang bukan tempat mendulang dollar, namun setidaknya Yuwie adalah social network yang membagikan keuntungan kepada para membernya.

Mungkin ketika member Yuwie sudah sebanyak member Friendster... dedengkot-dedengkot Yuwie akan menikmati derasnya aliran dollar...

kalo loe-loe semua mau daftar klik aja disini, semuanya gratis.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

myviewin apa ya?????

Ini program baru lounching namanya Meski mirip kayak yuwie, tapi jangan salah disini bayaranya lebih gede.

Oya ini program baru dan masih sedikit anggotanya. Diseluruh Dunia aja baru 3.257 orang dan dari indonesia baru aja 193 orang saat artikel ini gue tulis(19 juli 2008). jadi masih banyak peluang sebelum booming 1-2 tahun ke depan.

loe2 pada hanya bermain persis kayak Fs. ya kirim comment, kirim pesan, lihat profil sendiri atau profil orang lain,profil loe dilihat orang lain ato apalah pokoknya terserah tapi semua itu dibayar. minimun payout $25 dan akan dikirim lewat paypal atau Check. klo belum punya paypal cari aja di google cara buatnya atau klo nggk bisa ya pake Check aja,tapi ada ongkos kirim $1.

KLo di Yuwie cuma dapet 10% dari aktivitas kita. dan 90% buat upline kita. Level1-10% level 2,3,4,5,6,7-4% , Lv8-10%, Lv9-10% dan level10-30%. Tapi di myviewin 100% poin aktivitas dari member kita akan menjadi milik kita. Asik kan he....

Klo loe pada minat, daftar aja Disini n klo ada pertanyaan ttg sesuatu yang kurang jelas ya tanya aja ke gue. Oke

atau mau daftar lewat sini juga bisa lewat punya teman kita

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

cari duit lewat internet.............. MAU?????

Cari duit lewat internet kok repot sih...... cape deh....
sekarang ada situs nih situs yang bagus bisa dapetin duit sekalian bisa kaya frienster lo enak kan....
caranya gampangkok kamu tinggal daftar aja seperti biasa kamu daftar frienster disini terus kamu dapet duit deh. trus kalo km mau tambah lagi duitnya kamu tinggal edit2 aja profil kamu trus bat aja blog didalamnya and cari temen yang banyak trus kasih aja comment yang bayak nanti kamu dapet tambahan duit lagi loooo......
Kalo masih penasaran coba aja kamu klik disini
atau liat selengkapnya di postingku selanjutnya pasti seru deh.......
atau coba aja klik ini:

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Kamen Rider Punch Hopper part 2

Yaguruma states that he envies Kageyama, because his own tears had dried up long ago. He also envies Kageyama because the hell he saw was different from this. If Kageyama crawls on the ground, he can see the light, but they cannot be together forever. Not understanding this, Kageyama goes on to meet Ucaworm. Adding even more to his humiliation, Ucaworm tricked Kageyama, baiting him into an assault on the Native worm. But he immediately discovered this was a set-up and found himself under assault from Pupaworms and ZECT Troopers alike. Battered and broken in both body and mind, he was saved by Yaguruma, who told him he needed to smile. Yaguruma once again invites Kageyama to hell, this time giving him the other Hopper Zecter as a present which allows him to transform into Kamen Rider Punch Hopper. They walk towards the darkness, and into the darkness with no goal at all. He now bears a scar that runs across his face due to the beating he received from Shadow and the Worms and he refers Yaguruma as "aniki" (older brother). In a twisted partnership, both Kageyama and Yaguruma set out to for revenge against Kabuto.

The unison of their power is shown as they ambush Kabuto and Gatack within an abandoned factory. Kick and Punch Hopper demonstrate their new abilities, easily defeating Kabuto and Gatack in a matter of minutes after the two were weakened by the activation of the 'Red Shoes' system. Unlike Yaguruma, Kageyama is not completely into the darkness yet and Yaguruma often corrects his way of thinking whenever Kageyama shows signs of 'reaching the light'. This is first shown when he tries to grab onto a bit of light after meeting a young girl who he defends from Leptophyesworm. Yaguruma tells him that his way of thinking is wrong and even the slightest bit of light will destroy them. After discovering the girl Kageyama saved early had become a Worm, Punch Hopper along with Kick Hopper annihilate the Worms together, and they manifest in their own power. Kageyama once again questions the value of the light, but Yaguruma tells him that they live in a world of darkness, and that he should not seek the light.

Kageyama works with Yaguruma in an attempt to destroy a confused and weakened Rena Mamiya during episode 40, in hopes of eliminating her early. Their attempt almost works, but Rena is saved by Kamen Rider Drake along with Gon, who distracts them, allowing their party to escape. Their plan did have a side-effect however, resulting in a recovery of Rena's worm memories. Kageyama later asks Yaguruma why he didn't kill her, and an extremely happy Yaguruma answers by saying that he has indeed taken a liking to her. Even more so, Yaguruma protects Rena from Substworm when she is endangered. This led to an infuriated Kageyama, as it went against their beliefs of abandoning the light. Yaguruma is shocked however, when he gets rejected by a temporary Ucaworm, and his bond with Kageyama is restored.

During episode 41, Kageyama and Yaguruma capture Tsurugi, and through a loss of memory, Tsurugi is tricked into thinking that they are his family and he is the little brother. The trio then eventually encounters Reiji Nogi who makes short work of them using "Freeze" to cause all their Rider Finishers to collide. Kageyama and Yaguruma watch as Reiji Nogi advances on Area Z during episode 44, and Kageyama wants to help them fight, but Yaguruma laughs at him for trying to be an ally of justice. Kageyama reverts to his old self briefly and picks up the abandoned TheBee Brace, until threatened by Yaguruma. Ultimately, he returns to his old style and becomes Punch Hopper again. Kageyama also follows Yaguruma's way of regaining the darkness by binding himself with chains. He ignores Tendou's request for help, stating that he will not help humans. Along with Punch Hopper, Kick Hopper defeats Cassisworm Clipeus in episode 46. The two Hoppers utilize the Rider Jump function to send Cassisworm flying into the air, destroying him with a Rider Kick and Punch as he falls down.

Kageyama then becomes one of the many looking for the Worm identification necklaces, believing them to be useful in his mission. Upon seeing Kageyama with a Worm identification necklace, Yaguruma scolds him for using such a device. In episode 48, Kageyama tells Yaguruma that he has become a Worm and can no longer control himself due to fact that having three Native necklaces sped up his transformation. As a show of pity, he uses a Rider Kick to end Kageyama's suffering. As Kageyama dies in Yaguruma's arms, Yaguruma mentions that after all they've gone through, the two will always be partners. They will look to the light for a new future.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Kamen Rider Punch Hopper

Shun Kageyama for most of the series, operated as Kamen Rider TheBee, acquiring the TheBee Zecter after Kagami relinquished it. This was the case, at least, until a vengeful Yaguruma relieved him of the TheBee Zecter. No longer qualified as TheBee, he was ousted from the Shadow elite and cast into humiliation and shame; much to the manner of what he did to Yaguruma, the former leader of Shadow and the original TheBee. Punch Hopper, like his name, uses only punching attacks.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Kamen_Rider_Kick_Hopper part 2

He manages to force two Executive level Worm to retreat during his first appearance. After destroying multiple Pupaworm, Yaguruma quickly stripped Kageyama of the TheBee Zecter with a Rider Kick after telling him that he had "been to Hell" and that he was now inviting Kageyama to go with him. He also states that he envies Kageyama, because his own tears had dried up long ago. If Kageyama crawls on the ground, he can see the light, but they cannot be together forever. After being attacked by a group of Worms, Kageyama was brought nearly to death before Yaguruma came in and saved him. He gave Kageyama a separate Hopper Zecter and invited him to hell once more. They walk towards the darkness, and into the darkness with no goal at all. The two sought revenge against who they think brought upon their downfall, Kabuto.

Kageyama refers Yaguruma as 'Aniki' or big brother and Yaguruma refers him as 'Aibo' or partner, meaning he's the one who is more 'in-charge' of the two. This can be seen as Yaguruma always corrects Kageyama's way of thinking whenever he tries to reach the 'light'. The unison of their power is shown as the ambush Kabuto and Gatack within an abandoned factory. Kick and Punch Hopper demonstrate their new abilities, easily defeating Kabuto and Gatack in a matter of minutes after the two were weakened by the activation of the 'Red Shoes' system. Kageyama once again questions the value of the light, but Yaguruma tells him that they live in a world of darkness, and that he should not seek the light.

He and Kageyama attempt to destroy a confused and weakened Rena Mamiya during episode 40, in hopes of eliminating her early. However, he hesitates at the last moment, as if showing affection for Rena. Drake and Rena are then saved by Gon who used a fire extinguisher to distract the Hoppers. Their attempt almost works, but Rena is saved by Kamen Rider Drake. Their plan did have a side-effect, resulting in a recovery of Rena's Worm memories. When asked by Kageyama later, he says that he has indeed taken a liking to Rena, and therefore did not kill her. Even more so, Yaguruma protects Rena from Substworm when she is endangered. This led to an infuriated Kageyama, as it went against their beliefs of abandoning the light. Yaguruma is shocked however, when he gets rejected by Rena who temporarily reverted to Ucaworm, and his bond with Kageyama is restored.

During episode 41, Kageyama and Yaguruma fight with a depressed Tsurugi. After defeating Tsurugi, Yaguruma offers him a place as his little brother, which Tsurugi happily accepts. Yaguruma meets Tendou once more, and challenges him to a tofu cook-off, but since the seller is sold out, they would have to reschedule. The trio then encounters Reiji Nogi who makes short work of them using "Freeze" to cause all their Rider Finishers to collide. Continuing from the comical arc of the tofu cook-off, near the end of the episode, Tendou has stood them up, and Yaguruma and Kageyama are left in the street wondering where Tendou is and when the challenge will commence. During episode 43, the TheBee Zecter is once again offered to him by Tadokoro, but he declares that he is enjoying his stay in the pitch black hell.

Kageyama and Yaguruma watch as Reiji Nogi advances into Area Z during episode 44, and Kageyama wants to help them fight. Yaguruma laughs at him for trying to be an ally of justice. After meeting with Tendou and Gatack as they prepare to face Cassisworm, he decides to help them as Cassisworm Gradius has laughed at Kageyama, telling Cassisworm to laugh at him, as well. They perform a Triple Rider Kick and effectively neutralize his "Absorb" ability. Yaguruma later laughs at Kageyama for straying from the path of darkness and becoming TheBee, and so Kageyama returns to him, Punch Hopper once again. Yaguruma displays his desire for the darkness during episode 45, he and Kageyama binding themselves with chains and weights so that they would not be able to fight for justice. Ignoring Tendou's request for assistance, he along with Kageyama sit and meditate, attempting to regain their darkness.

Along with Punch Hopper, Kick Hopper defeats one of the two Cassisworm Clipeus in episode 46. The two Hoppers utilize the Rider Jump function to send Cassisworm flying into the air, destroying him with a Rider Kick and Punch as he falls to the earth. After seeing a picture of a star, Yaguruma begins to ponder returning to the light again. Upon seeing Kageyama with a Worm identification necklace, Yaguruma scolds him for using such a device. In episode 48, Yaguruma realizes that Kageyama has become a Worm and can no longer control his form. As a show of pity, he uses a Rider Kick to end Kageyama's suffering. Holding his fallen partner, Yaguruma looks up to the stars in the night sky and says that he and Kageyama will always be partners and that they have to regain the light once again. His ultimate fate was left up to the viewer as he was given an ambiguous resolution.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Sou Yaguruma was the original TheBee. He lost his power due to his mental state, was kicked off Shadow and was absent for the series until episode 33. After a series of unknown events, Yaguruma returned as a very different person with a wild leather jacket outfit. No longer was he the kind and caring man from before, he was now in a state of mental uneasiness. Literally having lost his mind, he first attacks the worms as Kick Hopper because, according to him, they were laughing at him. After losing his rank and dignity at the hands of Kabuto and Kageyama respectively, he sees himself as a "loser" and feels that he is no longer worthy of what he believed to be "Kanzen Chōwa", or "Perfect Harmony". Kick Hopper, like his name, uses only kicking attacks.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Kamen Rider Kabuto

God Speed Love is the theatrical film adaptation of the Kamen Rider Kabuto TV series directed by Hidenori Ishida and written by Toshiki Inoue. This movie takes place in an alternate universe (where its storyline could be considered a prequel to the events of the TV series). In this reality, the impact of the first meteor evaporated all of Earth's oceans and plunged the Earth into chaos. Seven years after the meteor hit Earth, ZECT plans to use a passing comet to refill the Earth's oceans, unaware that their plan will cause another meteor to crash on Earth, one large enough to destroy the world.

The film was produced by Ishinomori Productions and Toei, the producers of all the previous television series and films in the Kamen Rider franchise. Following the tradition of all Heisei Kamen Rider movies, it is a double bill with 2006's Super Sentai movie, Gougou Sentai Boukenger: "The Greatest Precious". Upon its release, the movie was the second highest selling family movie of the week coming in at 4th place.[1] A Director's Cut version of the movie was released on May 2007.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Kamen Rider Gatack " Kabuto "

Arata Kagami is Gatack's user. He is a field agent of ZECT who also works with Hiyori at Bistro La Salle. He has a good heart but is hot blooded and will often act without thinking about the repercussions of his actions. During the first episode, Kagami attempted to become Kabuto with a Rider Belt but failed as the Kabuto Zecter had chosen Tendou. He joined ZECT in order to avenge his younger brother who was killed by Worms. He was later confronted by Bellcricetusworm, the Worm that had killed and mimicked his brother, Kagami could not bring himself to kill the Worm as he thought it would be killing the last remnants of his brother. Kabuto would also not kill the Worm until Kagami made the choice to allow him to kill the Worm. Kagami was later chosen by the TheBee Zecter to become Kamen Rider TheBee after it rejected the previous user, Sou Yaguruma, and reacted to his desperation to protect the wounded Shadow members. Kagami, however, gave up his role as TheBee after he was torn between the orders of ZECT to eliminate Kabuto and his budding friendship towards Tendou.

He later realized that Tendou did not want a friendship with him—after accepting this fact and renewing his pledge to destroy all Worms, Tendou let him back into his life. He was later framed by Shun Kageyama as being a traitor to ZECT, but this was simply to lure the real traitor out. He would have died if Tendou had not saved him. This incident ignites Kagami's will to destroy Worms on his own. Despite being only a field agent, he frequently takes on Worms armed only with his standard-issue collapsible pistol, or picks up a Machine Bladegun from a fallen ZECT Trooper. It is interesting to note that he is the first ZECT Agent to kill a Worm on his own by impaling it with the retractable bayonet of a Machine Bladegun on one occasion, and once with "Clocked-Up" help from Kabuto on another, which lead to a brief moment of bragging and re-telling the events which took place repeatedly, albeit with some exaggerations made and motivated other ZECT Troopers to join in.

Although he is given a chance to test the Gatack Zecter, he was attacked by it when it rejected him. When Kagami goes to rescue the young boy Makoto, whom he met in the warehouse, Makoto's true form is revealed to be Tarantesworm. Tarantesworm kills Kagami and leaves quickly. After the Worm leaves, a mystery man appears and equips Kagami's lifeless body with a Zecter belt. Kagami then revives due to the capability of the ZECT belt's energy field. Later, Kagami calls upon the Gatack Zecter and goes on to fight the Tarantesworm only to be saved by him in the end by shielding him from the explosion detonated by the Shadow Troopers. This convinces him that Worms have a humane side to them; but is mocked when Kabuto tells him he's "naïve as usual." Gatack tells Kabuto that he is who he is and nothing can change that. His design looks similar to Kabuto's except he has mandible horns and is colored blue with red eyes. The voice of Gatack Zecter differs from the other Zecters. He decides to work together with Misaki and Tadokoro to find out the truth of the Masked Rider Project after he confronted Mishima.

During a battle, Kagami discovered the true identity of Tsurugi Kamishiro (Kamen Rider Sasword). After seeing Tsurugi's devotion to avenge his sister, Kagami decided to protect Tsurugi. This eventually caused a fight between Gatack and Kabuto to prevent Kabuto from killing Tsurugi. After this, Kagami and Tendou witnessed the transformation of Hiyori to a Worm. Despite her being a Worm, Kagami works together with Tendou to protect her. But their results end in failure as Hiyori disappears with the man in the iron mask. This incident leads Tendou into joining ZECT in order to destroy it from within and also starts collecting Zecters. Kagami does not believe in Tendou's method of collecting all the Zecters so he can save Hiyori. This eventually sparks a furious fight between Gatack and Kabuto, which Gatack ends up losing. Tendou wants Kagami to give up the Gatack Zecter but Kagami refuses, stating that Riders are meant to protect humans. Kagami is seemingly destroyed by Cammarusworm in episode 34, but he is saved when Hyper Kabuto uses the Hyper Zecter, although unsure of its function, to reverse the flow of time and save his life. Even after this Tendou still told Kagami that they will fight one day to finish things.

Kagami is told by the ZECT HQ to protect Daigo Tachikawa at first, but Kagami soon discovers he is a Worm, but realizes then he realizes again that Daigo is not a Worm that destroys humans. Kagami later finds Daigo again, this time taking him to Tsurugi's house to heal him. However, after the short confrontation, Daigo realizes Tsurugi is a Worm and uses the Sasword Zecter to escape from him. Kagami was referred to by Tachikawa as Kagami Arata, the one who is chosen by the god of battle. This was also shown in the report found at Area X. During the battle with Cochleaworm, Kabuto’s Red Shoes System activates, which leaves Gatack alone to try and stop him. Ultimately succeeding, they are attacked by the Hopper Riders shortly after and are defeated horribly. In the end however, Kagami and Tendou make a promise with each other, if Tendou goes berserk again and tries to kill Hiyori, Kagami will kill him, vice versa. Tendou also no longer wants to own the Gatack Zecter, for no one would be able to stop him if Kagami were to ever disappear.

Kagami's suspicions about ZECT begin to grow during episode 41 when they unknowingly escort a group of Natives. When they are attacked by Pupaworms, the Natives attempt to escape, referring to Gatack as "The Top's son". Confused, he is the first one to meet Reiji Nogi, the executive class Worm that was able to defeat him in one attack. Kagami then goes to his father, and he tells him the origin of ZECT. Kagami discovers that the Natives came to earth 35 years ago and made an agreement to help create the Masked Rider system. In turn, ZECT would help protect the Natives against the Worms that would arrive later. His father tells him that his soul now belongs to the Native, and Kagami needs to be the one to carry it on. After hearing this, Kagami begins to fear that his sole existence is to be the catalyst for defeating Worms. Kagami's faith is further shattered when he discovers Tadakoro is a Native, thanks to the accidental exposure of AMB (Anti Mimic Bomb) gas. Shocked and dismayed, Kagami continues to wonder about why Tadakoro hid this secret, and so he is unable to fight.

In turn, he is defeated by both Pupaworms and Nogi in a matter of minutes. Kagami is eventually led off by Misaki, but he is still angry at Tadakoro for hiding the fact that he is a Native. During episode 42, Kagami is chosen as the negotiator to rescue the Natives. Nogi has demanded that ZECT give up their last AMB and they will release the Natives, along with Tadakoro. Kagami, still angry at ZECT refuses and even gives up his Gatack Buckle. However, after Tendou talks to him, he realizes that his father wanted him to save the Natives, but at the time keeping the AMB. Realizing that he needs to catch his father's feelings, Kagami goes and meets Mishima, taking the AMB from him . Through trick and trap, they are able to rescue the Natives and protect the AMB, although Kagami is once again defeated by Nogi. Tendou arrives on the scene and displays his new power as he uses the Perfect Zecter Gun Mode to defeat Cassisworm Dimidius.

After patching things up with Tadakoro, Kagami once again has a brighter outlook on life. While playing again at the baseball field, Kagami meets his father again, who shows that he does indeed love Kagami and plays catch with him. In turn, Kagami is finally able to accept his father's feelings. Soon after, Kagami meets Cassisworm Gladius in battle, and his Rider Kick attack goes horribly wrong, with the kick being returned against Kagami. It is later discovered that Gladius and his Worm army are planning to assault Area Z, the place where the original Masked Rider System was created. After leaving the Hospital, Kagami discovers that Tendou is planning to lose to Dark Kabuto in order to find Hiyori's whereabouts, and immediately finds Tendou, shouting the sense back into him. Despite this, Tendou states that he cannot fight for Hiyori anymore, as she is happier with the fake. Kagami however, believes that Hiyori is trying to protect Tendou, and tells him that he needs to go after her. After Tendou leaves for Hiyori's world, Kagami goes on to fight Cassisworm. He meets Kageyama who has once again become TheBee, but their attacks fail, and Nogi defeats them once more. Tendou is able to return to the battle before Tadokoro detonated Area Z. Gatack, Kick Hopper, and Kabuto then execute a three-way Rider Kick, effectively neutralizing Cassisworm who was then destroyed by Hyper Kabuto.

Gatack is called upon to fight the Worms that are constantly appearing, but he is sidetracked after discovering that Misaki has agreed to Tsurugi's request for a date. Unwilling to tell her that Tsurugi is a Worm, he follows them on their date, only to discover that Tsurugi does indeed lose control, forcing Kagami to save Misaki. Despite this, both Tsurugi and Misaki end up being completely infuriated at Kagami. Misaki is astonished that Kagami knew all along Tsurugi was a Worm, but never told her. Tsurugi is mad at Kagami for similar reasons, that even though Kagami knew all this, he never told him. Kagami finally tells Tendou of Tsurugi true identity later, but still believes that he isn't entirely evil. Tendou on the other hand, decides to defeat him, as with all other Worms. After rushing off to meet Clipeus once again, Scorpioworm rises from the sea and assaults Kagami. Kagami, unwilling to fight his friend, gets defeated. Meeting Tsurugi again, Kagami tries to convince him to live as a human again, handing him Misaki's present. However, Tsurugi punches Kagami out instead, and takes the Gatack Zecter. Kidnapping Kagami, Tsurugi attempts to destroy all the Zecters, but fails as Kagami and Tendou are able to regain their Zecters. While Tendou goes to fight Scorpioworm, Kagami takes on one of the Clipeuses, effectively defeating him with a Rider Kick.

Kagami's father Riku has finally announced to the world, saying that the Worm threat is finally over. Kagami is given the task of delivering the necklaces that can warn humans when a Worm is near. However, he meets conflict in Tendou when Tendou states that there is something desperately wrong with the device. After multiple conflicts, Kagami is finally able to confront Tendou, but Tendou escapes, and only leaves an injured Renge behind. This leaves Kagami, Todokoro, and Misaki even more furious at Tendou for his unexplainable actions. Later on, Kagami encounters Tendou once more and demands to know his reasons for destroying the necklaces. Tendou states that they are turning humans into Natives, not believing this, Kagami and Tendou do battle. With the help of the ZECT Troopers, Kabuto is defeated. After defeating Kabuto, Kagami receives a call from Misaki, telling him that Mishima has taken over ZECT. Kagami then goes to rescue his father, who tells him that no matter what, he must believe Kabuto and fight alongside him.

During the final stage, Kagami finally realizes that the necklaces, along with Mishima's broadcast signals, are changing humans into Natives. After knowing Mishima's evil plot, Misaki and Tadokoro aided him. Kagami confronted Mishima and Negishi, only to be defeated by Mishima and is almost killed, until Tendou arrives on the scene. Kagami realizes that they are the only ones who can save the world now, and must do it no matter what. Together with Hyper Kabuto, they are able to destroy Mishima, thus ensuring the safety of the world. Within his last moments, Mishima collides with the meteorite, setting off an explosion and ruining their entire operation. After realizing the battle is over, he removes the Gatack Zecter, and letting it go, watches it fly away with the Kabuto Zecter to an unknown destintation. Kagami then falls to the ground with exhaustion, and as he is relaxing smiles, realizing the battle is finally over. After this, Tadokoro, Misaki, and Renge arrive. Misaki gives a hug to Kagami. Renge does the same to Tendou, giving both great surprise. Tadokoro stands to the side and smiles in victory. During the epilogue, it is shown that Kagami now lives a normal life as a police man, with his father still watching over him. As he is crossing children across the street, a young girl asks him, "Where did the man who walks Heaven's Path go?" Kagami smiles and replies that Tendou is currently out buying tofu. Kagami then looks to Tendou's house which he and the girl are standing in front of then at the sky in wonder.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Kamen Rider Dark Kabuto " Kabuto "

Souji Kusakabe is a mimic version of Tendou who was unknowingly captured by Mishima and used for the Hyper Zecter test. It is finally revealed that he is able to use the Dark Kabuto Zecter, a Zecter that mirrors the Kabuto Zecter. His Rider Form is similar to Kabuto's, but he has yellow eyes and his color has changed to black, with the exception of the top of his head, chest, and shoulders which contains dark red circuits which light up upon Cast-Off.

When he is first introduced, he was at the edge of time and space, existing in an unknown universe with Hiyori. Shown in episode 39, he seems to be a kind person that wants to protect Hiyori just as the original Tendou does. His innocence is shown when he observes the flowers and gives off a kind laugh. It is latered discovered that he is actually a human that was modified into a Native by Negishi's experiments, in hopes of turning all of humanity into Natives.

When Kabuto is carried to this dimension, the mimic Souji stands by Hiyori defensively, angered by the presence of Kabuto. Calling upon the Dark Kabuto Zecter, he changes into Dark Kabuto and prepares to fight Kabuto. During his first battle, he and Tendou initiate similar Rider Kicks, resulting in Tendou being defeated and flung back to real world.

During episode 42, Dark Kabuto arrives in the real world through a bolt of lightning, and walks away with a childish look on his face. Later in episode 43, he appears before Kagami and others, stating that he's going to eliminate the other self. The mimic Souji eventually meets the real Tendou and the two engage in battle. The real Souji decides to allow himself to be defeated and thus when Dark Kabuto returns to the universe Hiyori is trapped in, Renge can track the portal and find Hiyori. When Tendou is on the brink of defeat, Gatack saves him and manages to convince him to fight Dark Kabuto, saying that he cannot allow himself to be defeated like that. Kabuto, now renewed with will to fight, defeats Dark Kabuto using the Hyper Zecter. However, Hiyori appears after a solar eclipse and says that she is happy to stay with Dark Kabuto in another world. After doing so, Hiyori changes into Sisryaworm and prepares to protect Dark Kabuto.

After Hiyori and Dark Kabuto return to their dimension, they meet up with Tendou once again, who says that Hiyori should come back. The mimic Souji asks Tendou if he can truly keep his promise of always being by Hiyori's side, and Tendou says he can't. However, he will protect Hiyori for as long as he can, fighting all those who do evil to the world, not because they are Worms. Soon after, Hiyori leaves and abandons Dark Kabuto. Furious, he arrives in the real world and assaults Hiyori, only to meet two more Reiji Nogis. The Nogi's then ask him to cooperate with them, telling Dark Kabuto that he does not know who he truly is. Refusing, Dark Kabuto leaves in a frenzy after attempting to fight the Nogis. After returning in episode 47 to challenge Tendou, he is defeated by Hyper Kabuto. The unconscious mimic Souji is then captured by Mishima once again.

After being tormented by Mishima and Negishi, who both state that he is a failure, he goes into an outrage, attacking Mishima. It is then that they tell this mimic that he was actually a human once, and was altered into a Native. In turn, he was told to mimic Tendou, creating who he is now. They forcefully copied the Kabuto Zecter, creating the Dark Kabuto Zecter, intending to have a powerful force of their own. During this moment, Tendou appears and uses Clock Up to rescue his mimic. However, the mimic escapes once again, only to meet Mishima once more. As Mishima transforms into Gryllusworm, the strongest Native, Dark Kabuto charges at him and is defeated.

After Dark Kabuto is captured once again by Mishima, it is revealed that they plan to drain his power and combine it with a fragment of the Native meteorite in order to convert the entirety of humanity into Worms. As Kagami arrives that their secret lab, he is defeated by Mishima and the humans that had become Natives. During the final moments, Dark Kabuto rushes out and captures Negishi, dragging him back into the explosion as Dark Kabuto transforms into a Native. He tells Tendou that he is leaving, and it is up to Tendou to protect this world now.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Kamen Rider Sasword "movie Kabuto"

Daigo Tachikawa is a Native, a Worm native to Earth. He works at a nursery school and loves playing with the kids. After class one day, Daigo Tachikawa was nearly attacked by a Worm, but Kagami saves him. Daigo was given a chance to run away, but saw a mother and her child being threatened by Worms. So Daigo changed to Native and attacked the other Worms, letting the mother and child escape. Having the ability to summon any Zecter, he summons the Drake Zecter with the Grip attached and transformed into Drake, destroying all the Pupaworms and driving Cochleaworm away.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Kamen Rider Drake " Kabuto "

When Gon is kidnapped by Shun Kageyama (the third Kamen Rider TheBee), Daisuke goes to all lengths trying to save her. He was blackmailed into fighting Kabuto, and became the first Rider who managed to deal some trouble to Kabuto. He eventually is helped by Tendou, Kagami, Hiyori and Yuzuki. During his quest to save Gon, he meets a woman whom he later discovers is Gon's mother. Daisuke meets the woman to return Yuriko Takayama (Gon's real name) to her mother Junko, but was interrupted by the Viellaworm, the same Worm that attacked Junko and Yuriko, causing the amnesia. Daisuke protects the mother and daughter, but was separated from Gon during the commotion. Daisuke defeats the Viellaworm, but only before Gon regains her memories as Yuriko, completely treating Daisuke as a stranger. He leaves for an unknown destination after the Gon incident, and after a long absence, returns in Episode 25.

Drake, along with Kageyama as Kamen Rider TheBee, was the first Rider to utilize the full body Put On system. They both performed this to try and defeat the Ucaworm, but she still defeated them. It is revealed that he is suspected of being the murderer of a rival make-up artist and is being pursued by the police. In addition, there are multiple clones of him running around the city. A Worm imitating Daisuke fakes its death in human form to convince the other Riders that the real Daisuke is a Worm. After losing to the other four Riders, Daisuke lost the Drake Grip. Kageyama made it look like he was returning the Grip to Daisuke, but the worms instead takes the Drake Grip and transforms with it. After Kabuto knocks the Drake Zecter Gun out of the Worm's hand, the Zecter flees, undoing the transformation, and Gon retrieves the Grip, returning it to the real Daisuke, who defeats the Worm. With this incident, Drake joins the battle against the Worms and acknowledges Gon as his "aibo" (translated into "partner" even though he couldn't remember the term). The Worm was left-handed while the real Daisuke was right-handed.

Gon gave the Drake Grip to Tendou during episode 33. At first Tendou thought that Daisuke had given up the Drake Grip without a fight, but Gon reveals that she took it without permission. If "the man who walks the path of heaven" says it must be done, then it must be done. Tendou then uses the grip to call upon the Drake Zecter, catching it with one finger. After Tendou released the Zecters he had once collected, Daisuke returns after a long absence and meets Rena Mamiya after her memory was erased by Tendou due to the Hyper Sting attack. He meets Rena several times, and they seemingly fall in love, with Daisuke helping her all the time. Even after remembering that Rena was a Worm, he says that the Rena currently is not a Worm, but a changed person. His fury driving him, he brings out his reacquired Drake Grip and assaults Tendou, only to be disturbed from their fight when another Worm attacks Rena. Although Daisuke strives to protect Rena from the Riders and Worms after her, he ultimately fails after saving her from Kamen Rider Punch and Kick Hoppers. Their extended battle triggered Rena's Worm memories once again, returning her to the evil creature she once was. Her human half fights for control however, and so she injures Daisuke but heals him back all the same.

Daisuke, having a kind heart, asked what was her dream when she was a human, hoping to make it come true. He knows Rena is a Worm, but decides to protect her all the same, saying that she isn't pure evil. Working together, Daisuke manages to get Rena to perform on stage, making her dream of holding a concert come true, albeit not having an audience. Rena then tells Daisuke, after all this is over, he needs to make the right choice and destroy her, for she can no longer live as a human without endangering others. Daisuke, faced with a tough decision, makes a heart-paining choice and destroys Ucaworm by shooting a Clocked Up Rider Shooting at her, sending her to a regular speed Rider Shooting that he fired earlier. He held her in his hands as she died, once again with a human heart.

Drake makes a brief appearance in episode 45, fighting the massive onslaught of Worms that have begun to appear all over the city. Daisuke makes one final appearance in the epilogue, and although no longer a Rider, he is still the same outgoing person he always was. Daisuke continues to travel with Gon, who now insists on being called by her real name, Yuriko.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Kamen Rider Drake " Kabuto "

Daisuke Kazama is a 22-year old man. He loves women and fights to protect a little girl, nicknamed 'Gon' (from the Japanese term Nanashi no Gonbee , or a nameless person), who has amnesia. He has incredible make up skill that can change even the ugliest girl into a goddess. This is mostly done by his ultimate technique, Ultimate Make Up. He describes himself as wind, which always goes around flowers. He is a new and inexperienced Rider, lacking the knowledge about Worms. He is not a member of ZECT and is often a target of their attacks because of this. He also acts rather impulsively. Daisuke is not content being a Rider. He only transforms in order to protect himself, Gon, or women.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Kamen Rider Drake "movie Kabuto "

A Native type of worm from episode 36, he was wounded and Kagami took him to Tsurugi's house. Tachikawa discovered Tsurugi's true form as Scorpioworm after shaking hands with him and Tsurugi discovered like-wise. Using the Discalibur, Tsurugi begins to attack Tachikawa, saying he is a worm and must be destroyed. Tachikawa counters by using the Sasword Zecter, smashing the Discalibur, and escaping using the Clock Up feature.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Kamen Rider Sasword "kabuto"

Tsurugi Kamishiro is a 20-year old man and descendant of the Discabil family of England. He calls himself "the man who replaces the gods with a sword's slash" when he introduces himself. He lives in a gorgeous European-style building with his butler Jiiya. He is good at sports, art, study, and many other skills, and has been seen to be able to understand and speak French, Chinese, and Italian in addition to English (he says "Shall we?" to Tendou when a fencing duel begins) and Japanese (although he mispronounces "ramen" as "La Men" and thinks that it is a French dish as well as some other words such as "tofu" as "tufu"). He always calls Kagami his friend (while pronouncing his name KaGAmin , stressing the GA in his name) and Misaki as "Misakinu". Tsurugi wants to be the man who is best at everything, always saying, "I will stand on top of… (e.g. tasting, kendo, bowling etc.)". Unlike Tendou who quotes his grandmother, Tsurugi quotes his butler, Jiiya instead.

Tsurugi is also as arrogant as Souji, and proclaims that he will stand on top of everything, and that no laws can affect him (in fact, a traffic cop who pulled Jiiya over for speeding (as Tsurugi had an urgent job) only to be killed on the spot by a SalisWorm told him to put his seat belt on, and Tsurugi's failure to look before crossing a street resulted in an accident in which Souji's younger adopted sister Jyuka got hurt, and as the cops scorned him, he told them that the car carrying Jyuka should have gone ahead (much to the shock of the cops) and Souji punched him at Jiiya's white limousine for getting Jyuka hurt). He had an older sister named Mika (23 years old) who was killed by Scorpioworm, and suffers nightmares as a result. The fact that Mika was killed near a field of red roses also sparked a disdain for roses. He has been employed to ZECT in exchange for the reward, but the monetary part of his contract was annulled when the Gatack system was first utilized. He aids Kabuto after he helped him realize that his butler Jiiya, was teaching him to be a better person now utilizing what his mentor taught him: that a noble act must be nobly returned, aka "noblesse oblige".

In truth, Tsurugi was killed on the same day as his sister by Scorpioworm. Moments before his death, Scorpioworm choose to mimic him. Through impossible odds however, Tsurugi's arrogant nature and personality overpowered Scorpioworm's own, leading him to believe he was in fact Kamishiro Tsurugi, completely unaware of his worm identity or that he had killed his sister. Jiiya later revealed he had been aware of his master's true identity, but believed it best to withhold the information in the hopes Scorpioworm would never regain control and his master would continue to exist, one way or another. Shortly afterwards through unknown means, Tsurugi came into contact with the Sasword zecter and accepted his role as Kamen Rider Sasword with the goal of exterminating every last Worm.

Few episodes after his debut episodes, Tsurugi somehow turns into the comic relief in this series. Many episodes involve him trying to do some daily duty in a very ridiculous way, usually with his special theme playing. Tsurugi has only recently learned (from both Gon and Jiiya) that the Discabil family fortune is no more, and this confounded him deeply, so he is working hard to rebuild it. He now works at the Soba shop where Misaki always visit. He has a crush on her, to which she feels annoyed. In episode 26, Tsurugi meets the Worm who mimics Misaki (without him knowing the truth) and they enjoy a dance together. Ucaworm intervenes and defeats Sasword. Before she moves in the killing blow, the Misaki Worm saves him, which leads Tsurugi to realize her real identity. Later on, Tsurugi meets the Misaki Worm again and hands her his sister's red shoes. But for reason unknown, Misaki Worm attacks and scratches Tsurugi's face. Tsurugi reacts by stabbing the Sasword Yaiber through Misaki Worm, killing her while saying that he won't forgive any Worm.

Tsurugi sold his Sasword Yaiba and Zecter to Tendou in episode 33, but Jiya tells Kagami that without the Sasword Zecter, Tsurugi will surely become Scorpioworm again. Kagami tries but ultimately fails in the end as Tendou defeats him. Tsurugi did this to help rebuild his Discabil family and he still has the legendary sword 'Discalibur' passed down from generations. When Tsurugi engages three Worms with it, he discovers that the sword is actually just a grip with no blade. The real sword was sold earlier to clear some debts of the family. However, Jiiya arrives in time to deliver the real sword to Tsurugi, which he uses to kill the Worms easily. Unfortunately for Tsurugi, the Discalibur is re-bought using the money for selling the Sasword Zecter and the money is not enough for it. Tsurugi sighs as he states that he does not understand money at all.

During episode 34-37, Tsurugi begins to go on journeys to learn about the common people's happiness because he must stand at the top of being "common". At first he dresses as a school boy for a day and experiences life in a different way, and although not his original intent, he realizes that the world does indeed contain good people after meeting Jyuka. In episode 37, Tsurugi enters Jyuka's school, stating that he stands on top of even 'poor citizen's' education. Tsurugi wants to experience the aspects of normal life, although Jiiya is always there to help him. Due to school policy, Jiiya was forcibly dragged out of the classroom many times to prevent him from helping Tsurugi. Tsurugi is also able to transform into Sasword again as he has retrieved his Sasword Yaiba from Tendou. Despite being able to call on the Sasword Zecter, the Perfect Zecter can still summon the Sasword Zecter when Hyper Kabuto calls for it, which led to an infuriated Tsurugi.

After Tsurugi realized that his love for Misaki would never be, he decided to do his best so that Kagami and Misaki would be happy together, unknowing that their love was just a setup. He then acts as Cupid and sets Kagami and Misaki on a date. Unfortunately, after meeting Misaki again and discovering that she and Kagami are not a couple, Tsurugi is captured by the Hopper Riders during episode 41. He was challenged and lost, receiving a Rider Kick and Punch to the head. He is then tricked into thinking that the Hopper Riders are his family and he is their little brother. The trio then eventually encounters Reiji Nogi who makes short work of them using "Freeze" to cause all their Rider Finishers to collide.

Abandoned by the Hoppers after fighting Nogi, Tsurugi begins to fall apart, but after Tendou tells him he does not see Misaki for who she is, but rather his sister, he realizes that he needs to accept her for herself. Refilled with spirit, he is able to convince Misaki to also see him for who he really is. When Misaki is attacked by Cassisworm Gladius, Tsurugi came to rescue her, attacking the Worm with his Rider Slash. However, Cassisworm Gladius absorbed the power of the finisher and used the absorbed power against Sasword, damaging both Misaki and Tsurugi. Tsurugi finally proves his worth by defending Misaki from an onslaught of attacks from Nogi, at the risk of his own body. Finally defeated, Tsurugi lies in shock as Misaki promises to accept him for who he is.

Tsurugi's assistance is also requested by Tendou in order to fight the massive onslaught of Worms, and so he joins ZECT and is given his own team of ZECT Troopers. However, he used them for the sole purpose of protecting Misaki, going so far as to dive into a river to find her missing shoe. Eventually however, his troopers abandoned him, saying it isn't worth it and they'd rather fight Worms.

On his way to his date, Tsurugi runs into Cassisworm Clipeus who he does battle with. After being defeated, Tsurugi loses control of his body and once again becomes Scorpioworm. After meeting Misaki and transforming into Scorpioworm once, he is able to revert, but he does not know of his transformation. Clipeus appears again and forces another transformation, in turn causing Tsurugi to realize that he is indeed a Worm. After ripping up the scarf he made for Misaki and shouting at Jiiya, Tsurugi abandons hope and seemingly begins on a quest to destroy all Riders and be at the "top of the Worms".

Both Cassisworm Clipeuses attempted Scorpioworm a partnership with them, but Tsurugi outright refuses and tells them he's taking charge. With that, he attacks both Clipeuses, having them become his servants after overpowering them and telling them to gather all of the Worms under him. After having Kagami kidnapped, Tendou is sent a note saying that he must hand over all the Zecters or Kagami will die. As Tendou hands over the Zecters, Misaki appears along with massive amounts of ZECT Troopers, allowing enough time for the Zecters to escape after seemingly crushed but actually receiving no damage at all. During the ensuing battle that took out most of the Worms, as he truly intended from the start, Tsurugi allows Tendou to destroy him so that his wish of all Worms being destroyed and vengeance for his sister may be granted. Back at his mansion, a dying Tsurugi sits on an older wicker chair as Jiiya rushes to his side. As he sees his servant, Tsurugi asks if it's okay for him to dream, Jiiya replies that it is and promises that he will always be by his side. Hearing those words, Tsurugi closes his eyes, goes limp, and drifts off to death. During the epilogue, a restaurant is named in his honor, being run by both Misaki and Jiiya.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Kamen Rider Kabuto character

Souji Tendou, the Zecter's wearer, is a mysterious, quiet 21-year old man who often seems to follow monk-like philosophies of peace. His name literally means "He who walks heaven's path, rules it all" and he always uses it to introduce himself ("Walking the path of Heaven, the man who will rule over everything"). Tendou often spouts amazingly appropriate zen-like phrases he supposedly learned from his grandmother, prefacing them with "Grandmother said this". He also often does a 'point to the sky' pose, usually after he defeats a Worm or introduces himself. Tendou has no actual job and doesn't attend college because he believes that he is destined for something bigger (which is becoming Kabuto). Despite having many talents (from cooking to hairstyling to excelling at various sports to the extent that he can handle entire teams alone), he is usually uninterested in pursuing anything until his belt activates. He calls himself a "National Treasure" and "Universal Treasure". Tendou stays in a big home with his little sister Jyuka, loves cooking, and seems to have an interest in Kagami's co-worker, Hiyori. As a result, he is a regular customer at Bistro La Salle. Because of his abilities and outlook, combined with his talent of being a step ahead of those around him, Tendou is somewhat rude, and exceedingly arrogant at first glance. However, this serious personally holds back the caring emotions he has for others. His feelings for his two sisters is among the few things that can break his serious demeanor.

Kamen Rider TheBee "Kabuto"

Sou Yaguruma , a 27-year old agent of ZECT, was the first TheBee user. Yaguruma, while TheBee, had his own personal army of ZECT Troopers called Shadow, which had yellow stripes on their uniform, indicating that they are an elite unit of ZECT Troopers. He is a perfectionist, believing in a philosophy known as "Kanzen Chowa" aka "Perfect Harmony". When he's calm, he's a caring person who possesses a strict code of teamwork and demands perfection. He cares deeply for his team members, and in battle he is a brilliant tactician. However, he's also impulsive, brash and quick to anger. It is interesting to note that during battle he primarily uses kicks, foreshadowing his later role as Kamen Rider Kick Hopper.

When Tendou managed to infiltrate his flawless security team and upstage him by revealing how a Worm had done the same, he was so angry that he immediately challenged Kabuto to a fight. While he managed to defeat Tendou and destroy his belt, he was shocked to learn that he had been unsuccessful in his mission to eliminate Kabuto forever when Tendou transformed with a repaired belt.

His resulting hatred caused him to disregard the safety of his team in favor of getting revenge against Tendou, which led to the TheBee Zecter rejecting him. After this he was reassigned to another part of the city, but returned when members of his former team were being eliminated from within by a traitor. Despite his renewed vow to protect his team, the TheBee Zecter had chosen Kageyama, making him the new leader of Shadow. Afterwards, he asked Kageyama to let him rejoin Shadow, but Kageyama turned him down. He returns in episode 33 as Kamen Rider Kick Hopper.

In the movie adaptation God Speed Love set in an alternate timeline, however, he appeared as a high-ranking ZECT official in league with Kamen Rider Ketaros and is still the wielder of the TheBee Zecter. He commanded the counterattack against Neo-ZECT and was able to annihilate a majority of the Neotroopers with his ZECT Trooper team (Shadow did not appear for some unknown reasons), calling it a "perfect mission". Despite this, he was killed on combat with Kamen Rider Hercus. His last words lamented having received a "perfect death."

Shun Kageyama gained the TheBee Zecter during episode 13 and became TheBee. Under Yaguruma's command, he was injured by Tendou in an early battle and has had hostility burnt in towards Kabuto ever since. He was once a good friend of Yaguruma, believing deeply in his philosophy of teamwork and "Kanzen Chouwa". He considers Kagami a kid. Even while injured, he continued to fight the Worms and would protect his commander at all costs. After TheBee Zecter rejected Yaguruma and chose Kagami, he attempted to make Kagami understand his new responsibilities. He was baffled when Kagami rejected TheBee Zecter in favour of his friendship with Tendou. It was then that he was chosen by TheBee and became the next captain of Shadow. Kageyama mainly uses punches as TheBee, foreshadowing his future role as Kamen Rider Punch Hopper.

One of his first actions as the new leader was a plan to fake the disbanding of Shadow in order to expose a traitor eliminating Shadow members one by one. After eliminating Yaguruma from the suspect list, his former commander attempted to rejoin Shadow, but Kageyama turned him down, coldly telling him that he would bring disharmony to the group. His next move was to frame Kagami as the traitor in the hopes that the traitor would attempt to shut Kagami up, but this plan failed when Tendou exposed the real traitor. He does not mind sacrificing the life of an "unimportant" ZECT member in order to further the greater cause; his actions contradict his mentor's beliefs of "Kanzen Chouwa", which is why Tendou sees Kageyama as unfit to be a leader.

He was unpleasant when Soujiro Tendouji (Tendou) became the leader of Shadow. He attacked Kamen Rider Drake and tried to frame Tendouji (Tendou) but Tendou found this out and punished him by making do wash the dishes at Bistro la Salle. In Episode 20, Mishima makes him pick up Tsurugi Kamishiro (Kamen Rider Sasword), which results in Kageyama being made to sing Happy Birthday to Kamishiro, whose butler Jiiya had to get Kageyama to sing it right. Mishima also sees him as weak because despite being TheBee, he feels that he cannot handle the missions. TheBee, along with Drake, was also under Shun Kageyama when the full body Put On system was first utilized. He is defeated by Yaguruma as Kick Hopper, and then loses his Zecter, which is obtained by Tendou. He then proceeds to do everything Tendou says in order to get his TheBee Zecter back, but ends up failing. Yaguruma returns to save Kageyama from Shadow and some Worms, and Kageyama agrees to fight alongside him and becomes Kamen Rider Punch Hopper.

Kageyama faces a change of heart as he returns to the TheBee Zecter and uses it one more time during episode 44. However, he was defeated by Cassisworm Gradius, and was afterwards abandoned by the TheBee Zecter. He then returned to being Punch Hopper. 20 years old.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Kamen Rider Den-O

Kamen Rider Den-O is the seventeenth installment in the popular Kamen Rider Series of tokusatsu programs. It is a joint collaboration between Ishimori Productions and Toei. The cast members of Kamen Rider Den-O range from the shy and meek Ryotaro Nogami, who is drafted into being Kamen Rider Den-O, to the insane Kai, who seeks to destroy time as we know it in order for the Imagin to rule the future. Imagin are creatures from the future who have come to the year 2007 in hopes of changing the past to alter their future to their liking. To reach this goal, Imagin grant the wishes of weak-hearted humans and then go back in time to that individual's most precious memory. When they lose control of their humanoid forms, Imagin grow into massive proportions known as Gigandeath.
Ryotaro Nogami is a young man with a lot of bad luck. One day, he finds a strange pass and things got stranger from a mysterious girl and a large time-traveling train to being possessed by an entity called an Imagin, beings from an alternate future whose kind are attempting to change the past. Though slightly confused about the nature of the crisis, Ryotaro, along with the aid of the hot-headed Imagin, dubbed Momotaros, becomes Kamen Rider Den-O, traveling to different times on the Den-Liner to battle the evil Imagin to prevent them from altering the past to affect the present and future. During his adventure, Ryotaro is joined by other Imagin who aid him as well; the womanizing Urataros, the herculean (and narcoleptic) Kintaros, and the childish yet powerful Ryutaros. He later meets the mysterious Yuto Sakurai and his bumbling Imagin partner Deneb. Yuto is not only Kamen Rider Zeronos but is the younger incarnation of Ryotaro's older sister Airi's fiance, Sakurai, who mysteriously disappeared and is tied to the mysteries revolving the Imagin and the Junction Point.

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bagi para penggemar rf ayo main kan karakter kamu karena liburan kali ini ada premium gratis lo. tapi hanya sampai senin besok lo jadi jangan sampai ketinggalan ya................

Hari liburan sekolah

liburan kali ini setiap hari kita di hidangkan tontonan segar lo. setiap hari senin sampai jumat sudah mulai samurai 7, kiba dan film kartun yang menarik yang kita bisa tonton mulai jam 17.30- 20.00 kartun semua. kalau pagi2 kita juga dapat menyaksikan kartun movie yang ditayangkan oleh indosiar mulai pukul setengah 8 pagi, jangan lupa nonton ya..............

Kamen Rider Kabuto

Kamen Rider Kabuto is a Japanese tokusatsu superhero television series. It is the sixteenth installment in the popular Kamen Rider Series of tokusatsu programs. The series was broadcast on tv asahi. The first episode aired on January 29, 2006, and with the final episode airing on January 21, 2007, completing the series with 49 episodes. The series represents the 35th anniversary of the Kamen Rider Series, as indicated by a notice at the beginning of the pilot episode reading, in Japanese, "Kamen Rider 35th Anniversary Production".
Kamen Rider Kabuto revolves around the story of a man named Tendou Souji. He has trained seven years while waiting for the Kabuto Zecter so that he may properly take up the name of Kamen Rider Kabuto. Making many enemies while at the same time meeting other Riders with mysterious origins, Tendou attempts to accomplish his goal at all costs: protecting the girl Hiyori and destroying all Worms that otherwise threaten humanity. Making a friend in Kagami Arata, who later becomes Kamen Rider Gatack, the two work together and protect Hiyori along with humanity from the alien Worms that arrived from a meteorite seven years ago.
Zecters , also known as the Masked Rider System, are compilation of mobile systems that seem to affect space/time. They were created by the Natives, a species of Worm that arrived on Earth 35 years ago. These Natives in turn gave the Zecters to humans, so that they may protect them from alien Worms that would arrive later. Jaunting from the ZECT headquarters, it appears instantaneously to the selected personnel so that they may transform into the respective Rider to fight any Worms in the vicinity.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Kamen Rider Kiva

Kamen Rider Kiva / Kamen Rider Kiba s the title of the 2008 Kamen Rider Japanese tokusatsu television series produced by Toei Company and Ishimori Productions. Advertisements show a horror film theme to the series, with the motif for Kamen Rider Kiva as a vampire. The advertising slogan for the series is "Wake up! Break the chains of destiny." First story is twenty-two years after the disappearance of his father, Wataru Kurenai lives in an infamous "haunted house" where he is destined as Kamen Rider Kiva to fight life-draining monsters belonging to the Fangire Clan, the very race his father fought years ago before his disappearance. Wataru must also deal with a second rider in the series named Kamen Rider IXA who is part of an organization seeking to destroy the Fangire menace, as well as kill Kiva for being a greater threat than the Fangire themselves. The story is split between the actions of Wataru in the present (2008) and his father Otoya in the past (1986), slowly revealing the story behind the Fangire Clan and Kiva.
The characters of Kamen Rider Kiva are spread throughout two time periods, each related to one another. There are the actions of Otoya Kurenai and the Fangire Hunter Yuri Aso in the year 1986 that result in the various Fangire that persist to the current day, in 2008, with Otoya's son Wataru (as Kamen Rider Kiva) and Yuri's daughter Megumi (also a Fangire Hunter), dealing with the Fangire to prevent deaths.
The Fangire / Fangaia are stained glass-based vampires who feed off of the Life Energy of humans to survive, with which they can disguise themselves as humans. Because of this, aware humans have formed a group to hunt the Fangire. However, thus far only Kiva and IXA (Keisuke Nago) have been able to defeat and shatter a Fangire. Though Kiva captures its soul, IXA wipes out the Fangire's existence.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Naruto has a large and colorful cast of characters, running a gamut of detailed histories and complex personalities, and allowing many of them their fair share in the spotlight; they also seem to grow and mature throughout the series, as it spans several years. As is fitting for a coming-of-age saga, Naruto's world constantly expands and thickens, and his social relations are no exception – during his introduction he has only his teacher and the village's leader for sympathetic figures, but as the story progresses, more and more people become a part of his story.
The students at the Ninja Academy, where the story begins, are split up into squads of three after their graduation and become Genin, rookie ninja. Each squad is assigned an experienced sensei. These core squads form a basis for the characters' interactions later in the series, where characters are chosen for missions for their team's strength and complementary skills; Naruto's squad 7 becomes the social frame where Naruto is acquainted with Sasuke and Sakura, and their sensei Kakashi, forming the core of his world-in-the-making. The other three-man teams of his former classmates form another such layer, as Naruto connects with them to various degrees, learning of their motives, vulnerabilities, and aspirations, often relating them to his own. The groups of three are not limited to the comrades Naruto's age – groups in the story in general come in threes and multiples of three with very few exceptions.
Sensei-student relationships play a significant role in the series; Naruto has a number of mentors with whom he trains and learns, most notably Iruka, the first ninja to recognize Naruto's existence, Kakashi, his team leader, and Jiraiya, and there are often running threads of tradition and tutelage binding together several generations. These role models provide guidance for their students not only in the ninja arts but also in a number of Japanese aesthetics and philosophical ideals. Techniques, ideals, and mentalities noticeably run in families, Naruto often being exposed to the abilities and traditions of generation-old clans in his village when friends from his own age group demonstrate them, or even achieve improvements of their own; it is poignantly noted that Naruto's generation is particularly talented.

Friday, June 13, 2008

mau main game gratis

mau main game gratis coba ini klik disini.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Kelebihan dan kekurangan Bluetooth

1. Memiliki fitur-fitur keamanan : Enkripsi data, Autentikasi user , Fast frekuensi-hopping (1600 hops/sec) , Output power control. Yang menyediakan fungsi-fungsi keamanan dari tingkat keamanan layer fisik/ radio yaitu gangguan dari penyadapan sampai dengan tingkat keamanan layer yang lebih tinggi seperti password dan PIN.
2. Jangkauan lumayan luas yaitu sampai radius 10m selama tidak ada penghalang berupa tembok atau gangguan elektromagnetis.
3. Dapat digunakan untuk transfer data dari computer/ laptop ke handphone dan sebaliknya
1. Walaupun jangkauannya lumayan luas yaitu sampai radius 10m tetapi jika ada penghalang berupa tembok atau gangguan elektromagnetis maka akan terjadi kegagalan transfer data.
2. Keamanannya terkadang sering tidak menditeksi virus sehingga dalam proses transfer data si penerima data menerima data yang sudah terserang virus.
3. Kecepatan transfer data tidak tetap tergantung dari perangkat yang digunakan untuk mengirim dan yang menerima data.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sistem Bluetooth

Komunikasi antarperalatan Bluetooth akan menghasilkan sebuah jaringan bluetooth yang dinamakan dengan piconet . Sebuah piconet paling sederhana terdiri atas dua buah peralatan bluetooh dimana salah satu modul yang menginisiasi koneksi disebut sebagai master sedangkan peralatan lain yang menerima tawaran inisiasi tadi dinamakan sebagai slave. Jika hanya dua peralatan yang berkomunikasi ,maka koneksinya dikatakan sebagai point to point. Satu master dapat memiliki lebih dari satu koneksi secara simultan dengan beberapa slave pada saat bersamaan . Koneksi ini dinamakan dengan koneksi point to multipoint. Kedua tipe koneksi tersebut masih merupakan bagian dari piconet. Piconet-piconet dapat saling berkomunikasi untuk membentuk sebuah jaringan baru yang dinamakan Scatternet . Syarat dari sebuah Scatternet adalah satu peralatan yang hanya dapat menjadi master dalam satu piconet saja pada suatu saat. Sistem bluetooth bekerja pada frekuensi 2.402GHz sampai 2.480GHz, dengan 79 kanal RF yang masing-masing mempunyai spasi kanal selebar 1 MHz, menggunakan sistem TDD (Time-Division Duplex). Secara global alokasi frekuensi bluetooth telah tersedia, namun untuk berbagai negara pengalokasian frekuensi secara tepat dan lebar pita frekuensi yang digunakan berbeda. Penggunaan spektrum frekuensi 2.4 GHz secara global belum diatur.
Dalam transceiver bluetooth ada tiga kelas pembagian daya yaitu :
1.Daya kelas 1 beroperasi antara 100 mW (20dBm) dan 1mW (0dBm) dan didesain untuk peralatan dengan jangkauan yang jauh hingga 100m.
2.Daya kelas 2 beroperasi antara 2,5 mW (4dBm) dan 0,25mW (-6dBm) dan didesain untuk peralatan dengan jangkauan yang jauh hingga 10m.
3.Daya kelas 3 beroperasi pada 1 mW (0dBm) dan didesain untuk peralatan dengan jangkauan pendek atau sekitar 1m.
Protokol bluetooth menggunakan sebuah kombinasi antara circuit switching dan packet switching. Bluetooth dapat mendukung sebuah kanal data asinkron, tiga kanal suara sinkron simultan atau sebuah kanal dimana secara bersamaan mendukung layanan data asinkron dan suara sinkron. Setiap kanal suara mendukung sebuah kanal suara sinkron 64 kb/s. Kanal asinkron dapat mendukung kecepatan maksimal 723,2 kb/s asimetris, dimana untuk arah sebaliknya dapat mendukung sampai dengan kecepatan 57,6 kb/s. Sedangkan untuk mode simetris dapat mendukung sampai dengan kecepatan 433,9 kb/s.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Latar Belakang "BLUETOOTH"

Pada Era Globalisasi ini banyak sekali peralatan yang dilengkapi dengan teknologi nirkabel salah satunya adalah Bluetooth. Fasilitas ini memungkinkan sebuah perangkat ( Ponsel ,PDA, Printer, Kamera Digital, Komputer, Handsfree, Mouse, Keyboard, Modem, Dan lain-lain) dapat saling berhubungan dengan perangkat lainnya tanpa menggunakan kabel. Dalam sebuah ponsel atau PDA fungsi Bluetooth biasanya digunakan untuk berkirim nomor telpon, gambar, daftar kegiatan, atau kalender. Agar dapat saling bertukar data dengan perangkat Bluetooth lainnya, kedua perangkat tersebut harus dilengkapi dengan fasilitas Bluetooth juga. Meski namanya tak sepopuler fitur lain seperti SMS , MMS maupun J2ME , tetapi yang jelas Bluetooth saat ini bisa menjadi indicator kelas handset yang dimiliki masyarakat luas. Nama bluetooth terbentuk pada bulan Mei 1998, 5 perusahaan promotor yaitu Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Nokia dan Toshiba membentuk sebuah Special Interest Group (SIG) dan memulai untuk membuat spesifikasi yang mereka namai ‘bluetooth’. karena terinspirasi oleh seorang raja Viking (Denmark) yang bernama Harald Blatand. Pada bulan Juli 1999 dokumen spesifikasi bluetooth versi 1.0 mulai diluncurkan. Pada bulan Desember 1999 dimulai lagi pembuatan dokumen spesifikasi bluetooth versi 2.0 dengan tambahan 4 promotor baru yaitu 3Com, Lucent Technologies, Microsoft dan Motorola. Saat ini, lebih dari 1800 perusahaan di berbagai bidang antara lain di bidang semiconductor manufacture, PC manufacture, mobile network carrier, perusahaan-perusahaan automobile dan air lines bergambung dalam sebuah konsorsium sebagai adopter teknologi bluetooth. Perusahaan-perusahaan terkemuka tersebut antara lain seperti Compaq, Xircom, Phillips, Texas instruments, Sony, BMW, Puma, NEC, Casio, Boeing, dsb.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Mau cari geme2 seru

Mau cari game-game seru caranya gampang kok kamu coba klik disini kamu tinggal cari aja game apa aja yangkamu mau.


Naruto,semua orang pasti sudah mengenal Naruto mulai dari anak-anak bahkan orang tua sekalipun pasti sudah tau atau bahkan penggemar beratnya naruto.Bagaimana sih cerita awal Naruto dan siapakah Naruto??? Menurut beberapa versinya Naruto,Naruto sendiri yang bernama lengkap Naruto Uzumaki adalah seorang anak dari hokage 4 yang oleh hokage ke4 itu sendiri atau ayahnya telah disegelkan rubah berekor sembilan yang di sebut-sebut sebagai kyuby. Kisah ini sebenarnya di mulai ketika tiga belas tahun kemudian setelah kyuuby disegel dalam tubuh naruto.Kemudian dimulai dari naruto yang telah membuat onar di desa konoha karena kurangnya perhatian dari penduduk dari desanya itu di karenakan adanya rubah ekor sembilan ditubuhnya. Kemudian Naruto berhasil ditipu oleh seorang ninja bernama guru mizuki yang menginginkan gulungan rahasia dari hokage ke3. kemudian Naruto berhasil mencuri gulungan tersebut dari hokage ke3 dan berhasil menguasai salah satu jurus di dalam gulungan tersebut yang dinamakan jurus seribu bayangan.Setelah Naruto mengetahui bahwa dirinya di kelabuhi oleh guru mizuki maka naruto menolak memberikan gulungan tersebut kepadanya.Lalu Naruto ditolong oleh guru Iruka yang akhirnya mengakui keberadaan Naruto untuk pertama kalinya.Lalu bagai manakah cerita selanjutnya kita akan bahas minggu depan. Apakah yang terjadi pada naruto????
Akhirnya Naruto tersadar dan langsung menghajar guru mizuki dengan jurus kage bunshin no jutsu. Setelah itu naruto pun di luluskan oleh guru iruka.Kemudian naruto merasa senabngbkarena ada yang mengakui keberadaannya .

Monday, June 2, 2008

Ingin pasang iklan gratis.........??????

Ingin pasang iklan tapi bingung caranya atau sudah tau caranya tapi ngga mau repot2 untuk daftar dulu(ya maunya seba cepet gitulah) atau sebel karena harus bayar mahal2 untuk iklan kita.

disini saya akan kasih tau tempatnya diman akita dapat pasang iklan secara gratis dan tanpa daftar.

Coba saja klik disini. di jamin gratis....tis..tis... lah.

Dan nggaperlu repot-repot daftar....... cobasaja....

Friday, May 16, 2008


  Eh sore ini tgl 17 mei 2008 ada naruto the movie 2 lho!! jangan lupa nonton ya!!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

yugi oh

Masih ingat sama yugi oh dan masih ingin nonton filmnya lewat internet coba kamu liat disini pasti seru deh.
Disini juga kamu bisa nonton anime lain coba di liat ya disini.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Download gratis Naruto Soundtrack

Mau Download gratis naruto soundtrack silahkan klik disini.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Cara mengatasi crash / DC dalam bermain RF

Cara mengatasi crash / DC saat bermain rf coba lakukan di bawah ini
1. Compability Mode.
Klik kanan pada icon RF kamu di destop / dalam folder RF lalu pilih properties. Pilih menu Compability pada layar yang baru, kemudian klik kotak pada Compability mode. Run this program in Compability mode for : pilih untuk windows 2000. Lalu tekan OK. Setelah itu silahkan coba bermain RF Kembali seperti biasa.
Kalau masih mengalami eror ulangi prosedur diatas namun untuk run this program in compability mode for : pilih untuk windows NT.

2. Update driver VGA terbaru dari untuk jenis VGA yang dipakai.
(Sebelum install, harap melakukan UNINSTALL Driver VGA anda sebelumnya)


Bleach mau diputer di indosiar looo....
jangan lupa nonton ya jam 11 siang setiap hari minggu.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Privacy Policy

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Bagaimana sih......

Bagaimana sih menjadi seorang sahabat yang baik??
setau saya sih susuah ya soalnya biasanya sih jika teman meminta pendapat kita kita selalu memberi pendapat yang baik supaya dapat membantu teman kita itu. Tapi pernah kah kamu lihat seorang teman yang meminta pendapat tetepi malah menghiraukan tanggapan kita. Ada juga sih yang seperti itu . Pernah nggak kamu punya seorang teman yang selalu mengganggu kamu setiap saat sampai kamu kesal terhadapnya, apa lagi selalu datang membawa masalah kepada kamu sehingga kamu ikut merasa kerepotan untuk memecahkan masalah itu?? kalau itu aku akui pernah melakukannya soalnya aku sendiri banyak kelemahannya sehingga aku selalu datang ketempat teman saya jika saya ada masalah dalam suatu pelajaran tertentu heheheee.... Apa kamu puas hanya hidup menyusahkan orang lain terus?? kalau saya pribadi sih saya sudah bosen dengan kehidupan seperti itu malahan saya kadang merasa nggak enak jika harus menyusahkan teman saya itu. tapi ada nggak ya?? orang yang malah merasa perbuatan itu malah baik dan yang penting menguntungkan bagi diri sendiri... Mungkin ada sih orang seperti itu ya soalnya orang yang seperti itu orang yang nggak tau diri bisanya hanya mau menangnya sendiri saja tidak permah memikirkan orang lain. Kalau dipikir2 saya juga merasa harusnya saya berubah jangan menjadi orang yang tidak berguna seperti ini terus saya harus bisa menjadi orang yang berguna dalam hidup ini. Oleh karena itu mungkin sekarang ini saya jadi sering merenung saja dikamar apa sih selama hidup ini perbuatan yang tidak baik yang saya sering lakukan. lalu saya akan berusaha merubah hidup saya supaya saya dapat lebih baik lagi nantinya. jadi saya berharap teman teman jangan suka memanfaatkan teman kalian karena sebagai teman seharusnya kita dapat bertukar pikiran dan saling membatu jika ada kesulitan bukan kita yang meminta tetapi kemauan kita dengan tulus untuk membantu jika teman kita tidak mau membantu mungkin teman kita ada masalah jadi kita juga harus mengerti perasaan teman kita supaya tidak terjadi perpecahan.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Pesan kepada sahabat

Pernahkah kamu merasa bahwa dirimu super hero atau kamu memiliki kekuatan super seperti dalam serial heroes. Sejujurnya setiap orang pun punya kekuatan seperti itu tanpa kita sadari tapi tidaklah sehebat dalam tv contohnya saja ada orang yang bisa mengingat dengan cepat seperti Megumi Minami dalam komik detective school q pasti di suatu tempat pun ada orang yang bisa seperti itu tapi tidak sesempurna dalam komik karena kita manusia pasti ada kelemahan di balik kekuatan kita. Tapi kenapa saya menceritakan tentang super hero seperti ini soalnya saya mempunyai seorang teman yang merasa dirinya tidak bisa apa-apa dalam menghadapi masalah yang dihadapinya padahal sebenarnya dia mampu dengan kemampuan yang dia miliki padahal kalau diliat lihat dia lebih pintar dari saya tapi ada 1 hal yang dia tidak punya yaitu keberanian untuk mengakui bahwa dirinya mampu. kenapa ia merasa begitu mungkin karena ia tidak percaya kepada diri sendiri oleh sebab itu ia merasa tidak mampu dalam hal itu. Padahal saya saya berharap kalau dia mau jadi dirinya sendiri dan percaya pada kekuatan yang Tuhan telah berikan kepadanya. Jadi bagi teman teman yang lain cobalah untuk dapat mengembangkan bakatmu itu. Tapi.... satu hal yang harus diingat bila kita mempunyai kekuaan yang besar kita mempunyai tanggung jawab yang besar pula. Dan jangan sombong akan kemampuan dirimu karena kemampuan bukan untuk di sombongkan tetapi kita gunakan untuk membantu sesama kita.

Kamen Riders

Masih ingat kamen rider rx, robo, bio. Pasti masih ingat dong kalo mau lihat gambar dan data -data kamen riders semua nya coba kamu buka disini.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Finally, Luffy and his friends arrived at Crocodile's casino with Smoker following them. Before they can do anything, Luffy and his friends were falling into Crocodile's trap, but Sanji and Chopper managed to help Luffy and others out.
Crocodile's plan has already begun and created a major chaos in Alabasta. The rebellions decided to fight and destroyed the empire while the soldiers tried to protect it. Everyone was falling into Crocodile's trap. The civil war has started!

Bebe decided to head back to Alabasta capital to stop everyone before it's too late. However, Crocodile captured her, but with Luefy helped her escaped and told her that he will take care of Crocodile.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Luffy and his friends finally arrived at Nanohana, the coast of Alabasta. Major Smoker was also waiting for their arrival at this town. When Smoker was about to capture Luffy, Ace appeared and helped Luffy to get out of the town. Ace is Luffy's older brother, who also a pirate. He is the leader of 2nd unit of White Mustache Pirate. Ace also ate the evil fruit and he has the ability to create flame with any part of his body. (Also, his skill is very strong. He can destroy 5 ships in one hit!) Ace was on the way to find the traitors, whom betrayed his pirate group. He just decided to stop by to see Luffy because he was worried about him. After a short conversation, Ace left Luffy to continue his journey and Luffy decided to go to Yuba, the town where rebel's base is located. However, when they arrived, it turned out that those rebel groups just moved to another town.
Crocodile or Mr. Zero order Ms. All Sunday to gather all the agent officers of Baroque Works to his casino. He told them about his plan, Utopia, a plan to rebuild the dream country and he wanted them to be a part of his plan.
Bebe did not want anyone to die, so she decided to head back to the capital of Alabasta to talk to the rebel's leader. However, Luffy stopped her and said that they better go to defeat Crocodile instead of wasting time trying to make those people understand. Bebe understood Luffy's point, so she decided to head to Crocodile's casino with a plan to defeat him and his crews!


Luffy was mad because Vapolu was trying to destroy Hilruk's pirate flag. He said to Vapolu that Vapolu was not worthy to touch the flag and also not worthy to be either a king nor a pirate. Finally, Luffy was able to defeat Vapolu and chased his cres away from Drum Empire.

Chopper was impressed by Luffy's strength, but he still felt that he was different from others because he's just a reindeer. However, Luffy didn't care and finally was able to convinced Chopper to come with him. While Chopper and his new friends was about to left Drum Empire, they were looking back at the sky and they saw snow turned pink just liked sakura's pedal falling from the sky. Hilruk's dream had come true.

At the end of this volume, Luffy and his friends was about to arrive Alabasta. Now, they must plan on how to take Crocodile and save the empire!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


While Luffy and Sanji tried to find the way to Dr. Kureha's castle, they encountered Rapan. However, they managed to escape from Rapan, but Rapan still kept following them, and create the avanlanche.
Finally, Luffy and his friends find the way to the top of the mountian, but all of them are injured. Dr. Kureha and Chopper, a blue nose reindeer, who accidentally ate human fruit and has ability to transform himself into human. When everyone was cured, Luffy, Nami, and Sanji interested in Chopper and his medical knowledge, and tried to convince Chopper to come with them.
The rest of this volume talked about Chopper's story 6 years ago. Because of his blue nose, Chopper was rejected by his fellow tribe and his parents. He was a loner since he was born. Until one day, he accidentally ate "human fruit", he has ability to transform himself into human, but still he cannot hide his blue nose. After the villagers saw his blue nose, Chopper was chased away.
While Chopper was wandering around, he met Dr. Hilruk and they have established the deep relationship since then.
Dr. Hilruk was not a real doctor, and everyone in the village scare of him because he always gave a wrong medicine treatment to his patients. However, Dr. Hilruk has a good intention. His dream is to grow the cherry blossom in this empire because he believed that if anyone see the cherry blossom, they will be cured.
During that time, Vapolu was still a king and he was upset of Dr. Hilruk action. So, he set up a trap to kill Dr. Hilruk. However, Dr. Hilruk committed suicide before Vapolu's soldier can kill him.
At the end of this volume, Vapolu climbed up the mountain and determined to take his castle back. When Luffy saw Vapolu, he was so upset that he punch directly at Vapolu's face before anyone could say anything.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Menguji kesetiaan dan kehendah bos

Suatu saat ada tiga orang yang ingin melamar sutu perusahaan. kemudian setiap orang dites satu persatu untuk diwawancarai oleh bosnya. kemudian orang pertama masuk dan duduk dalam sebuah kursi panas untuk diwawancarai. Kemudian sang bos berkata : jangan gugup mas, santai saja pertanyaannya tidak susah kok, kata sang bos. Kemudian sang bos bertanya kepada orang pertama begini:
Bos: satu tambah satu berapa??
orang pertama : wah bos ini bercanda ya masak saya ditanyanya 1+1 berapa?
Bos : nggak kok sudah jawab saja mas.
orang pertama : yaudah sya jawab pak dua.
Bos : salah yang benar 1.
orang pertama: kok salah bos 1+1 kan 2 anak kecil aja tau yang benar saja masa 1 .
Bos : wah kamu kok ngeyel ya, Ya sudah orang kedua masuk.
Kemudian orang kedua masuk tetapi sebelum masuk ia bertanya kepada orang pertama sebelum ia masuk.
orang ke2: eh tadi ditanya apa??
orang ke1: dasar Bos edan masa saya ditanya 1+1 katanya 1.
orang ke2: oh terima kasih ya....
kemudian orangkedua masuk dan bospun mengajukan pertanyaan kepada orang kedua.
Bos: yak sayamau tanya 1+1 berapa??
orang ke2: 1 pak(dengan yakin akan diterima karena sudah mendapat bocoran)
Bos : salah kamu pasti mendapat bocoran dari orang pertama ya? sekarang lanjut orang ketiga masuk.
Kemudian tinggal orang ketiga masuk tanpa bertanya kepada orang kedua. lalu bospun mengajukan pertanyaan.
Bos : saya mau tanya 1+1 berapa??
orang ke3: terserah bos maunya berapa?
Bos: wah bagus jawabanmu. sebenarnya saya mencari orang yang nantinya akan setia untuk mengikuti kemauan saya.

ben 10

Kalau mau nonton ben10 versi orangnya sekarang ada lo di internet kalian liat aja di


Sanji pretends to be Mr. 3 and has a long conversation with Mr. Zero. Sanji told Mr. Zero that Mr. 3 has accomplished the mission, and there is no need to hunt for Bebe and Luffy's gang anymore. So, Mr. Zero gives an eternal post to Alabasta to Sanji by mistake.
Because of their old weapons, Dorri is still alive, and that makes everyone happy. While everyone is worrying about how to get off the island, Sanji appears with the eternal post to Alabasta. They do not have to spend any more time in Little Garden. Before their ship leaves the island, a giant gold fish appear. With the help of Dorri and Broki, Luffy and his friends can get through without being eaten by the monster.
During the trip to Alabasta, Nami got sick and everyone decided that she needed to see a doctor as soon as possible. While they are looking for an island, Zoro spots a funny-looking man standing in the middle of the ocean. When Luffy and his friends get closer to the man, Vapolu's submarine appears.
Vapolu, the captain of Vapolu's pirates, also has a skill from evil fruit. He can basically eat anything including iron, but Luffy and his friends can drive Vapolu and his crews away.
Finally, Luffy and his friends have arrived at the empire without a name. Doltan, the head of the village, told Luffy and his friends that there is only one doctor in this empire and her name is Dr. Kureha. Dr. Kureha is a 139 years old woman and is also known as a witch. After she treats her patients, she will collect a large amount of money from them. Doltan told Luffy that they will find her at the top of the mountain. Luffy decided to carry Nami to the doctor, and Sanji went along with him. Before they leave, Doltan warned them to beware of the human-eating rabbits called "Rapan."
Bebe and Usop decided to wait for Luffy in town, and later found out that Dr. Kureha is coming to the next village. Then they decide to go and find Luffy.
Vapolu and his crew arrived at the port. We learn that this empire used to be called the "Drum Empire" and Vapolu was the king. However, Vapolu and some of his crew left the empire after the invasion of five bloody pirates. Now, Vapolu is returning and is determined to get his country back. Doltan, who used to be Vapolu's royal guard, has decided that he will protect everyone from the evil king.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


While Luffy and Bebe were partying with Dorri, someone put a bomb in Dorri's drink. Dorri thought that Luffy and his friends did it, so he was upset and tried to kill Luffy. However, Dorri was seriously injured, so he can't defeat Luffy. Then, Dorri understands that it's not Luffy's fault after all.
It's time for Dorri to fight with Broki. Luffy tried to stop Dorri from going, but Dorri denies his good will. With his better condition, and some help from Mr. 3, Broki is able to defeat Dorri. However, Mr. 3 and Ms. Golden Week appear from nowhere and catch Broki with Mr. 3's special power from the evil fruit "dolu dolu." This fruit allows him to create candle wax with his body.
Now everyone is in trouble, Nami, Bebe, and Zoro were caught in Mr.3's trap. While Luffy and Usop tried to find a way to help their friends, they were stopped by Mr. Five and Ms. Valentine.
However, at the end Luffy was able to defeat Mr. 3. Unfortunately, right before Luffy can help his friends, Ms. Goldenweek has set a "color trap" for him. Ms. Golden also received a special skill from evil fruit. Whenever Ms. Golden Week paints her colors on anything or person, that person will act according to the feeling that the color represents. But, in the end, Luffy and his friends defeat them all.
At the end of this volume, Sanji, who doesn't know what's going on with his friends, has received a telebug (telephone device that looks like a bug ) call from Mr. Zero, the head of Baroque's Work.